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This is my favorite game!! Nick is such a great character!


hfhfudfh i love this game sm and poor Fred..


Based on how shitty your apartment looks, I'm guessing it's set in russia?
....or Romania. I swear the outside looks just like Bucharest.

Either option fits the depressive existentialism the MC seem to have. Not something I've seen elsewhere.
(For some reason americans and norther europeans sound very different, even if they're depressed. And it's not applied to people around them.)

I wish there was a 'exit' button and a 'load' button on this game. I can save, but I can't load. It's really annoying.

Technical issues aside...

Some of the artwork is really good, in a colorful surrealistic kinda way.

The premise for the game seems good, and the story interesting enough.

But I don't like games where you keep dying. I prefer more romantic endings.

I think this game would have been better if the stalking and cannibalism was a bit more dragged out (and didn't cause you to die regardless of what you do.)

IS there a happy ending in this game?

(And I am using the term 'happy' very loosely here.
Like, even if you end up dating your stalker and he turns you into a cannibal with him --that's happy in my book.)

Truth be told I just searched the internet for "pictures of brothels" and picked the right one! But below in the comments people said that it felt like the action was taking place in St. Petersburg, so why not? I'm not tying the location to anything specific, so all options are good! 

Aaand good/happy ending is not here! That's the point of the novel I guess haha!

Anyway thank you! My second game is just going to be a little more geared towards romantic endings (but of course the degree of horror and blood there won't diminish)


I absolutely fucking LOVE this game, the art is amazing, and I love the character design. I usually don't bother playing Visual Novels with a bunch of death endings because I don't find it interesting, but this one is different. I fucking LOVE this one, the characters all stood out to me, even if there were just a few. 

I really like Fred's design, and THE MUSIC UGH, the music is so good! I would be VERY interested to know how you made it! The background art is so good, and matches SO well. 

I love Nick's character a lot as well, I loved playing through each ending to see what would happen, my favorite one is definitely the "start a new life" one. Its probably the best ending for MC too, lol. 

In short, if there's a second game coming, SIGN ME UP.


I'm very pleased that my first game came out pretty good. To tell the truth, I had a lot of trouble with the music, because I don't know how to write it myself, I had to work with AI for a long time, and then edit it in programs I've never encountered before... 

Soon I'll start working on my new novel n it will use music that was written by a human


cute game <3 nick is so sweet

is it just me or there is no load feature? there is also no gallery or anything to see the list of endings you unlocked so far

nope cuz it's the same w me and i think there's no feature for that at all for now.

Unfortunately at the time I didn't have enough knowledge for features like that, plus I felt like loading might interfere with gameplay, but I'll be sure to make those buttons as soon as possible...


HOLY SHIT! This might actually be my favorite visual novel ever... (SPOILERS)

In the final ending, i loved how Nick broke the 4th wall, and how MC just started going insane with Nick. I started playing this game like 2 weeks ago, forgot to log back onto my PC, and i just now finished it, and i am so glad i did!!! I love Nick so much sksksksks </3 


this game was really successfull as a horror game and it was really disturbing but I enjoyed the game!



Hey there! I'm clueless with things kinds of things but in the "New Life" route the narrator (MC'S thoughts) it says that Nick has a twin brother but he haven't seen him before... is his "twin brother" just the other Nick?


This game is very good, especially as someones first vn! its pretty scary and the main "love interest" is actually insane 😭.It was very fun to play, but the only issue i had was not being able to load any saves and having to go through the story multipul times to get different endings instead of just being able to load a save. Other than that this is pretty good and a little intense, but id still recommend anyone whos curious about this game to play!


Nick such a romantic


Okay hear me out...Nick is kinda hot. THERE I SAID IT! But the whole cannibalism thing is really not my cup of tea, so things wouldn't work out between us, sorry luv. Overall the game is very spooky, it has a specific kind of vibe that I really enjoyed. Disturbing and creepy in a good way.

(1 edit) (+3)

Damn, just finished the game on the mobile version and I LOVED it! It reminds me of John Doe but is more scarier, the music and ambience are very good as well! There are just two things that I didn't liked: The game coming to an end (jk a bit, but I would enjoy if it was longer) and the fact that I couldn't load the auto saves, besides that, the game is amazing ^^.


I loved how the game made more sense with the more endings the player went through. Also, I noticed the tension Nick holds with Us rather than the character in the game and breaks the fourth wall.

I enjoyed playing your game. Thank you.


When playing on android I cant seem to load the save it only says overwrite 😭


My bad...


Oh I really liked Fred... anyways, good game! 


girl dinner!!!!!!!!! ✨


LOVED THE GAME, i finished in one day cuz i got hooked lol


this game is so nice and Interesting love Nick and the artwork dude!!!!

(1 edit) (+3)

Just got done playing this visual novel for liek..the 5th time now and i gotta say i adore this game SO MUCHHDH, the way u write out the gore scenes and how u break the fourth wall is good it actually makes me uncomfy in a good way ε-(´∀`; )i hope it gains more recognition because it really deserves a fandom in my opinion, plz continue making banger games like this :;(∩´﹏`∩);:, im stalking through the game files right now while i have your soundtracks on repeat lol (pls make more they’re so good), 

overall infinity/10, AAA i adore this game so much, i wish for more content (especially of fred because stone guys r funny n cool) and of course our best boy nick (人´∀`), hope you have an awesome day(^∇^)!! Спасибо!!


Tbh this is one of the first times I've encountered a VN that has really made me think. 
In some aspects I still can't wrap my head around what I just witnessed and I doubt I ever will but oh well.

This game has been a wild but wonderful fever dream. 1000000000/10 gave me many things to think about at night!!!

ANYWAY, loved this game. If I had the chance to go through this again with fresh eyes I'd gladly do it. 



What's the difference between [RUS] and


The first one is in russian language and the second one is in english


I still don't understand why I like this genre...yeahh and I just want to say I love nick so much<3

Btw i really love your work<33

Thank you for making this:33



i keep coming back to play i love it so much!! please make more❤️❤️❤️


Dios santo. Esta novela es realmente fascinante, me hizo temblar en cada escena. ¡Es increíble! 💕💕

(1 edit) (+3)(-1)

This scared me so badly, but it's so well written! Oh yeah, is the nick that we meet before the secret ending the same nick?


I am very glad that the game aroused your emotions! Yes, it was the same Nick


this was so good omg...

HEYY uhm i have a small problem in downloading, while it was downloading, I was normally waiting for it untill it said 'download failed' so i checked the popup notifications then i saw it saying 'forbidden' ... Uh.. what do i do now?


Hi! Is it possible that your antivirus is blocking downloads because you are downloading the game from a website and not from an official source? Maybe there is a "allow download" button somewhere?


no words. this is absolutely amazing. i want to marry nick now 😭😭


por dios, el juego es hermoso, y los efectos de sonido y la canción de fondo ME ENCANTA.


A wonderful and bloody game at the same time. This is a maniac who has reached the stage of cruel madness. It is a wonderful game. I congratulate you. Keep it up, creator. I want to ask you about the upcoming game. I appreciate your effort ❤️❤️


Are there any good endings? I've been playing for a while but I have no good ends.


No, in all endings MS dies that's the point


im so in love with nick its insane


una novela visual muy interesante, contenido sangriento que sin duda me ha encantado


im absolutely amazed!!!! fred's kinda smash


I'm inlove with this game.

(4 edits) (+9)

... I got all the endings thanks to the youtuber EpyksLion walkthrough of the game (Which has ALL the endings: Don't Bully Him, He'll C- | Rotten Dinner (All Endings)) and my god, the True Ending??? Absolutely bonkers. If you want to read a walkthrough, I have one down below!

Also, this will have lots of spoilers! I really couldn't help myself!

My mouth dropped, I sincerely could not believe what I was reading, this was an absolute riot of an ending. It was absolutely mad but also very -- I can't even find the right word, fascinating??? God, from Endings 1-9 which showed how absolutely batshit insane everything was, showing how powerful and different Nick was. Absolutely insane.

This was an honest to god trip, like, what in the hell?? I was so astounded I couldn't even formulate a thought as I went through everything. Each ending was absolutely terrifying, all the different ways MC was tortured, died, eaten, and psychologically messed up-- I'm terrified of Nick because there is genuinely no ending where you could have escaped, aside from Ending 4: Targeted. And even then, that was absolutely terrifying how distorted his face was.

Nick is honestly a peculiar character, the way he twists and manipulates the game, his self-awareness, and the scares he gives. The unhinged nature of his that makes him a terrifying presence in the visual novel-- How each ending just reveals how sick and twisted he is-- As a character, he's deplorable to an extent that you feel morbidly fascinated. But if you were a character in that world, god, how would you even survive even as a background character because Nick would surely sniff you out and prolong the insanity.

EACH ENDING MADE SHIT HIT THE FAN SO HARD ABSOLUTELY TERRIFIED ME, MY HEART PALIPATED SO MUCH I GENUINELY FEARED TO CONTINUE ON. The True Ending-- Man, that fucked me up in more ways, especially how jarring everything was and then when the ending scene came up I was like "Oh, oh this is the shit I'm used to but-- Oh, hm, absolutely terrifying :')." I also noticed while making the walkthrough, all of the ending cgs for the endings except for Ending 5 have Nick looking straight at the player which really drives home that self-awareness trait of his. Absolute chills playing through the visual novel multiple times.

I have to say, I enjoyed myself from a storytelling standpoint, the way the twists and turns came, how Nick became so much more of a threat he was a nuclear bomb, how helpless and doomed MC was, and the fucked up situation. Honestly, this song Loveit? / biz×ZERA feat LOLUET instantly came to mind, especially with the True Ending.

Just, absolutely fucked up, I love it. I'm so glad I could have experienced the full game~!

WALKTHROUGH HERE~~ (the endings won't be in order due to Ending 1 and 6's nature, which means you'll need ending 2-5 and 7-9 to get Ending 1 and 6 before playing again to get the True Ending.)

Ending 2 (Death in the Blind): Put on your weird necklace -> Help him -> Run home as soon as possible -> Gather your strength and run away

Ending 3 (Dessert): Put on your weird necklace -> Forget about that -> Talk to him a little bit

Ending 4 (Targeted): Put on your weird necklace -> Help him -> Quietly turn around and go the other way

Ending 5 (Chilled Dinner): Put on your weird necklace -> Forget about that -> Quickly say hello and go to the nurses

Ending 7 (Tough Meat): I'm not in the mood today -> ... intervene between the two of you and then go home together -> Scream

Ending 8 (A Lump of Meat): I'm not in the mood today -> ... intervene between the two of you and then go home together -> Silent

Ending 9 (Familiar Taste): I'm not in the mood today -> ... go away and leave the two of you alone -> Don't open the door -> Eat/Further to be ungrateful (either way, you'll still eat it because if you disobey, Nick will just loop everything)

After collecting all endings, play the game again and follow Ending 2 (Death in the Blindbut then you'll notice a new option; "Give Up". Click on that and proceed to the story, between "Continue" or "Open your eyes", either don't matter since it follows the same storyline, but "Open your eyes" gives a lot more lore backgroudn. The last two options are the dealbreaker for different endings.

Ending 1 (Main Dish): Thank you so much for the gift! You are so wonderful and thoughtful

Ending 6 (Ungratefulness): Another answer? Seriously? You are so heartless

Finally, True Ending. Play the game again as you do but you'll see this choice "Start a new life", click on that and the story will change. No matter what choices you'll choose, the story will return back to the storyline but probably for your sanity (especially when you're going to lose it soon) just choose to "forget about it" and agree to what Nick says. 

And once the ending commences, you'll see how fucked up everything is.

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