Loss of appetite (Some bad news)

Hi everyone, I have some not so good news. All three days of my work (since the release of the demo) have been lost due to fucking lags on my internet and laptop. So far I haven't found a solution to this problem on the internet (my entire script file just cleared out and I couldn't get ANYTHING back). I feel insanely overwhelmed because a lot of work has been done on the lyrics, music, dialogues and etc. If anyone has a solution, I'd love to hear about it. 

I need some time to get over my frustration and get back to work. 

And as I'm writing this post, thank you so much for the 180 downloads and your comments! It means a lot to me and helps to keep me going! 

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I'm so sorry that it happened to you :( I hope you'll get the solution of this problem somehow? since I'm not much if a help here

(1 edit) (+1)

I'm fine, thank you for your concern!! Unfortunately, it's even worse than I thought, I'll have to re-write about 500 lines of script, but it's okay, I can handle it and I even want to do a little short story with Nick's backstory to unwind! 


That's good to hear! Take your time, no need to rush of course! while I'm gonna be obsessing with Nick for a while xD Really like him :> Thank you for this game!


OH MY GOD I LITERALLY CRIED WHEN I SAW YOUR ART! IT'S AMAZING!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH, YOU LITERALLY DREW A BETTER NICK THAN I DID, HHAHA! It's just unbelievably nice and keeps me going, thanks again! ♡ I'd love to add your art with a link to your public (if there is one) to the main page of the game, if you don't mind!


Owwie thank you so much O\\\O Honsetly did not expect that I was just studying the boy XD Of course you can! I don't have any public, but I do have tumblr page (https://www.tumblr.com/kaine-chan) Also I think your art of Nick is very pretty, I personally love thge way you draw his eyes~


Done! Unfortunately, I personally do not use Tumblr... 

Thank you so much again, your drawings are beautiful!!