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Ok..idk why I'm being obsessed with Nick even he cannibals T_T AND I REALLY LOVE THE GAME SO MUCH!

um, how do you load? (;テ﹏テ)

Sorry, I don't quite understand what you mean! Are there any problems with loading inside the game?

sorry my english is bad! i mean loading a saved game .

i tried finding the load game button but there was nothing

If you are talking about the mobile version, then unfortunately, there is no save and load function yet! If you mean the computer version, then at the bottom in the middle there are "save" and "load" buttons


This was such a beautiful visual novel!I can't believe it's your first onw you did such a splendid job at making this game,I loved the CGS I wish there was a gallery feature but it's okay! thank you for making this amazing game<333



There are a lot of people who love your game! Some of them drew Nick's fans, too.



Thank you very much! I have already written to all these wonderful artists in the pm! I hope that we'll be able to write off and they'll already decide whether to send them their art to me personally or leave it on the site

(1 edit) (+4)

I love the aesthetic! I always feels vulnerable. The food you have to consume, the bullies, and especially Nick make me feel like I can die any second. I used to not into gore or vore but you somehow change my mind. It feel overly exiting to think about love someone so much that you want to break their bones and drink their blood. You have awaken something in me :3. Any recommendation that's similar to this game?


To tell the truth, before I started making this game, I went through "John Doe", which really insanely inspired me with its atmosphere! I also really love the game "Bad Dream Coma" (this is not a novel!). And so, unfortunately, I dont even know what else to advise, except for the series "Hannibal"...


This reminds me of a comic I saw a while ago, perhaps "The Bed of Death or the Coffin of Sleep", which was also so frightening and fascinating that I was pushed to read it by my own curiosity…………^-^


being 100% honest i think i screamed at Every single cg reveal...the art is disturbingly beautiful and the characters are written SO well it's insane?!?!?!? i do not condone his actions but i believe i have a new favourite character Ever...


This was really disturbing and Im a little concerned for everyone in the comments saying you'd let him eat you but to each their own I guess!! This game traumatized me and I mean this in the best way possible. I would 100% recommend this to my cannibal loving friend (you know who you are).



Deleted 143 days ago

On my way!

Deleted 160 days ago
Deleted 160 days ago
Deleted 160 days ago
Deleted 160 days ago
Deleted 160 days ago
Deleted 160 days ago

just wow! This has become one of my FAVORITE yandere horror games! Nick is a fabulous balance of cute and creepy and all the endings are a must to explore! 10/10 recommend this to horror and yandere fans every where!




Uhm...Anyway I just want to say I love Nick <3

25 ideas de Memes de Animales | memes de animales, fotos de animales  graciosos, fotos divertidas de animales


(1 edit) (+1)


tại sao có Việt Nam meme ở đây?


Tui tính lấy ảnh con cheems bị bịt miệng thôi nhưng mà ko tình đc ảnh ko có chữ còn tui thì lười cắt :)))


tưởng người Viet Nam không hay chơi mấy trò kinh dị lovesick của nước ngoài này :)


This game was really fun to play!! I absolutely adore your art and I love the character designs! I have a love-hate relationship with Nick (Why does he have to be so pretty??). Overall it was pretty interesting to play and the writing was very nice!


I loved this game. It's quite an unique game design and setup that I deeply enjoyed. I love the background arts all the way to the characters. Each ending and dialogue are quite excellent in my opinion. I do like the drawing design and how there are not many bright colours choices, unlike others  games where too many colours end up hurting my eyes or feel out of place. You did an outstanding job on this game and I hope good wishes for any future games you choose to make. 


I LOVEE THIS GAME!!! I was really smitten by the storyline, art and character. Nick is really freaking madman ..he weirded me out (in both way, good and bad). I love the idea you put in, I can see that he actually restrain himself ? so he could be around us for a long time before (you know it) I'm in love with your game !!it kind of remind me of love biker boys & wild biker boys (these are great game I love) also I appreciate the lyrics from AJJ ? soon I saw the lyrics I knew it was from AJJ-body terror song !! I sang it together (love the band and song).All of the endings really bone chilling moment I enjoyed every endings!!.Thanks for making my day better ! will support you more if you planning on other project with these yandere vibe lol .(sorry my bad English) Toddles wormeow !

(2 edits) (+1)

I've only just had the time to fully play through this game as i was having some issues with my laptop but playing through this was the first thing i did and i was definitely not disappointed by the sheer amount of content. Endings one and six are definitely my favourites tho.I also know that this wasn't intended but i used the save option as a way to make sure i knew which endings i had gotten by saving the ending screens


The "The End" ending made me cry a little. Aw Nick <3


"ah, finally it came out!" that was my reaction when i saw that it was fully released. and lemme tell you i've been waiting for like 2 months, and now that it's out, WOW! good job, i loved it <333


Nice and scary <3

This game had me so immersed in the story like no other. Initially I had downloaded this to just stare at the handsome man (that is Nick lol), but ended up getting all 10 endings in an hour 30 minutes :)

As an artist, I couldn't help but draw this skrunkly man. So pls accept this artwork of our beloved boy, Nick. 


Sorry for the long answer! This art is wonderful, thank you very much!! You are very talented and I am really insanely glad that you liked Nick! ♡


un juego interesante y que sin duda alguna logra generar mucha inquietud:


there's a lot of charm to this game in the art, storytelling, and music choice that i wasn't expecting. i actually really enjoyed this.

the only thing i beg of is that you implement a menu when you go to saves/preferences/etc. it's an easy fix with the custom main menu, but it made it frustrating to go through it multiple times to get endings because i wasn't able to access my saves.

Hello! I'm sorry that this may complicate your gameplay, but I specifically removed the load function so that the script would work properly (the only problem is that I couldn't remove the save function too)

huh! what's the problem with the load function that breaks the game?

you could, as an alternative, remove the save part from the quick menus and try to thematically tie there being no saves into the game!

WELP! It was something!! ಠwಠ/❤

I loved your game, from the begining to the end :D


Ok, this game caught me by surprise, I didn't expect it to be so good (pls do not take me wrong), I thought it would be just another yandere game to entertain me, but... IT WENT BEYOND THAT!

I was really scared, I don't know if it's because I was playing it at night in the dark, but I was scared in certain scenes, the soundtrack and some of the endings were really macabre. The secret ending then... omg I love some weird shit! It was sad and beautiful at the same time???? I can't explain, but it was touching, to see him break the fourth wall to talk to us and our last words being "I love you Nick" really got me, congratulations, what a perfect game and if you make more in the future I will for sure play <3


Ah the final ending. I'm sad but it was good.


i think i got most if not all of the endings and im loosing my fucking mind in the best way possible i was ranting to my friends during me playing it and i am so. i am so in love with nick it is unreal thank you for this game. holy fuck. i gotta use the guide to see if i missed anything but i . oh ymgod. i felt so many emotions it is crazy. and Fred, oh my god. fred. i adore fred. i love this game. thank you




This was COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL, I rlly hope you can finish the rest of the endings, this was awesome :D


Played this at 4 in the morning, which I believe was quite possibly the best time to play this game. I really liked it. The dirty, grimy aesthetic, the depictions of gore, the offputting apathy of everyone around, and the mystery of it all tie together perfectly. I did notice a few grammatical errors (like, one or two), but they could be solved in a few seconds. 

I would recommend changing the pronoun function. Being able to type your own name works because the spelling is never changed unless you're using a possessive (in which case, you can add 's after the command). This doesn't work with pronouns because of the different derivatives (for example, when you input a singular pronoun, the game later says "they/she/he going to run away," when it should say "he/she is going to run away," or, "they're going to run away." 

Because you can only add one pronoun, all the derivatives are lost, leading to odd sentence structures like the example above. I don't know much about code, but if you want your players to be able to choose their pronouns, you could implement something similar to what the pronoun dressing room does, where you manually input your full set of pronouns and then choose whether it's singular or plural. 

You can also avoid pronouns altogether by replacing them with the player's name, which would be far easier.

Sorry if this comment isn't totally coherent (I have lost the ability to tell), it is currently 5 in the morning, and I think I am about to die. No regrets though I had a lot of fun playing

I also think that playing this novel at night or in the morning is the best time! In fact, in the full version I'll remove the pronoun system altogether, as it turns out they are not useful at all, haha! Again, I'm sorry for the grammatical errors, I really have no idea how to fix them... 


Oh, no worries! Really, they're not that bad. Something I've seen some creators do is write all the dialogue in a Google Doc or Word before adding it to the script, since those programs can help you check for errors. But, grammar mistakes or not, you've still created an amazing, horrifying work of art. A few odd sentences isn't going to change that. Good luck with the rest of development! 


Waaaaa, it's such a great game, the chills down my spine are reall! I really liked the face moment, it was so weird, and creepy, and good!

I have byt one question... is it a one big Raschleningrad joke, 'cause that would be on the whole other level?

Hehe thanks!! Unfortunately, I don't know what Raschleningrad joke is at all...


I suppose it can be translated as Dismemberburg? It just so happened that there were two high-profile cases of murder with victims getting dismembered in St.Petersburg, and since the city already has a depressing reputation, it immediately became a popular meme.

And since your game uses backgrounds not only with a Russian feel to them, but specifically St. Petersburg, like the third backdrop or that library room... Accidentaly big hitting nail on the head XDDD

Wow, it does look like that, although I didn't mean it that way! Thank you so much for such interesting information! ♡


Loved it!

Saw your video on youtube before you even commented, hehe! Thank you so much! 

Deleted 1 year ago

I'll try to finish it as soon as possible! ♡


Really good game , very intense, and I love the art style. I am very excited for the full game!

Thank you!


WOW, that's exactly what I want! but does this game seem to be filled with blood? The secrets on Nick make me couldn't help but look forward to the full game <3

Currently, I am confused about Nick's liking for MC... will there really be fellings between them? or is it just a predatory relationship? tho I prefer the former (or perhaps you have other plans)


Unfortunately, I'll not be able to answer these questions! But you'll find out in the full version of the game!


waiting for your update :D

(2 edits) (+1)

Good lord this was terrifying. While the fast paced-ness of this visual novel could be a bit offsetting, I think it works well with Nick's erratic behavior and MC's off-kilter life. I also gotta say, I was sufficiently spooked out by Nick like, I knew something was wrong with him but I didn't realize just how fucked up he was. It was genuinely terrifying and I was like "You are cute-- Oh, you are actually terrifying-- ... Oh my god what the hell are you??!" But even then I'm still gonna explore his routes because while he is genuinely offsetting, he is also very disturbingly fascinating 〒▽〒. I'm also curious, is there only Ending 2, 3, and 4?

Also, spoilers!!!

Is... Is Nick aware that he is in a visual novel?? Is Nick even human with cannabilistic tendencies?? And does Nick only like MC because of their blood and organs or just their entire self?? Also the entire mystery of Nick is just *chef's kiss*. At this point I just want to see the shit Nick will pull on MC whose just trying to survive through their day and while I wanna know why Nick latched on to MC, I feel as though that reason being left unsaid also add on to this mystery and the theme of senseless violence. Other than that, I really like the commitment to it and just the way when Nick pops up all that's blaring in my head is "Wolf In Sheep's Clothing" with red lights flashing like my own conscious beating the shit out of me with a red flag because of Nick's existence. That's amazing.

Looking forward to the new routes and whatnot! May MC survive but even then, that doesn't seem guaranteed, I'll pray for poor MC's life while I remain beyond the screen.


It amuses me that the word "terrifying" for this novel is something of a compliment. Thank you! It makes me very happy that you got so much emotion! 

There are only 3 endings in the demo! The full version will have 8 regular endings and 1 secret ending!

Unfortunately I can't answer all of your questions under a spoiler! But you'll definitely find out everything you need from the full version! 

Nick will be waiting for you and your blood ♡


The word "terrifying" is synonymous with this visual novel and is wholeheartedly meant as a compliment I'm happy to report. Also I'm glad that I was able to get all possible endings because I was wondering if I missed the first ending. And now I'm really excited for the full version! Wonder what absolutely batshit insane experience is waiting for me.


You: "Nick will be waiting for you and your blood ♡"


Sweating Jordan Peele | Know Your Meme


fucking like it !!

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